Building Strength in our Communities

Building Strength in our Communities

a woman with long dark hair looks thoughtfully into the distance

Community Engagement

Giving back to our local communities is a hallmark of our culture, and we give our employees the space to dedicate time away from the office to engage directly with community organizations. By rolling up our sleeves and engaging in hands-on collaboration, we gain fresh perspectives while forging real connections to our communities.

We are proud to participate in fundraising activities with local non-profit organizations, education and career development programs, and mentorships for youth in underrepresented groups.

We are proud to volunteer annually to help distribute food to those in need in San Mateo and Santa Clara counties.

Each year, employees build houses, take part in neighborhood vitalization initiatives or help out in community gardens.

Employees work with local schools and non-profit organizations to prepare high school and community college students for early career opportunities.