Funding Application Guidelines

Grants and Sponsorships
Grants and Sponsorship Funding
Cytokinetics supports grants, independent medical education and sponsorship in the following therapeutic areas: heart failure and HCM. If you are interested in requesting a charitable donation, please visit the Cytokinetics Corporate Giving program.
Funding applications for Grants and Sponsorship are accepted throughout the year.
- If you do not already have a Username and Password, click “Create your password” to navigate to the registration page.
- Input your registration information, including email address, contact information, and tax ID/charity ID (if applicable).
- Enter your organization’s legal name. Do not use abbreviations or acronyms.
- Once all the information has been completed, click “Submit.”
- If your registration is accepted, you will receive an email with a link from CyberGrants to activate your email. If your registration is not accepted, please contact [email protected] for further questions.
To facilitate the processing of your funding request form, Cytokinetics suggests the following:
- Review the Funding Guidelines and Application Process before requesting funding
- Complete your funding request form
- Confirm the funding request form is complete, including all required attachments (Incomplete funding request forms will be rejected)
- Read FAQs for answers to Frequently Asked Questions
Questions on the funding request form require the requestor to provide information about:
- Requesting organization contact information and organization description
- Program objectives
- Proposed outcome from program
- Proposed use of funds
- Program budget
- Cover letter or proposal documentation
- U.S. tax identification documentation, if applicable
- Payee information
All funding requests must be submitted using the online portal.
- To access the funding request again for updates or to submit a new funding request, simply log in to your account portal and navigate to the Welcome Page tab on your screen.
- Operating expenses that are not directly and exclusively dedicated to the educational activity being applied for (e.g. equipment, salaries, benefits, journal subscriptions, etc.)
- Travel, lodging or registration expenses for non-faculty healthcare professionals to attend an educational program (there are certain exceptions for healthcare professionals in training: i.e. medical students, fellows, etc. to attend major medical society meetings)
- Cost of entertainment or recreational activities or to compensate for time spent at meetings by attendees
- Compensating healthcare professional partners or guests
- Faculty lodging and/or expense reimbursement out of proportion with the number of days that the faculty is presenting
- Gifts/prizes for faculty or attendees
- Requests for food only
- Expenses on faculty dinners not related to content review
- Honoraria or costs in excess of fair market value
- Developing clinical practice guidelines (e.g. statements that include recommendations intended to help practitioners make appropriate health care decisions for specific clinical conditions)
- Advertising or creation of advertising materials related to a Cytokinetics product
- Development or production of promotional items related to any Cytokinetics product
Grants and Sponsorship Frequently Asked Questions
Funding requests are reviewed on a rolling basis throughout the year.
For U.S. organizations, a minimum of 60 calendar days is required to evaluate and decide upon any funding request; please plan accordingly. Funding requests from non-U.S. organizations require additional time for evaluation.
No, all funding requests must be submitted online by the requesting organization. If you have issues or questions about your application, please contact [email protected].
Yes. However, funding requests are reviewed individually. Funding of any one program is not contingent upon previous activity nor does previous activity guarantee future support.
No. Cytokinetics does not fund activities that have already occurred.
An email update will be sent upon submission of a funding request to confirm Cytokinetics’ receipt of the funding request and after committee review to notify the requestor of either an approval or denial of the request. At any point in the process, the requestor will receive notification if an application is missing required documentation or further information is needed to complete the funding request review.
Changes to the topic, target audience, or other material aspect of a submitted funding request will be reviewed on a case by case basis. If you need to make such a change, please email the request to [email protected].
If your organization plans to submit multiple funding requests for different programs throughout the calendar year, it is preferred that all requests be submitted at one time. Please contact [email protected] for additional questions.
Corporate Giving Program
Corporate Giving Program Funding
Cytokinetics provides charitable donations for qualified 501(c)(3) organizations in the U.S. that are neither engaged, nor directly involved in the practice of healthcare, and whose missions and programs are aligned with Cytokinetics’ Corporate Giving priorities. Eligible organizations must meet the funding and eligibility criteria set out by Cytokinetics. Visit Corporate Giving Program for more information.
The Cytokinetics Corporate Giving Program applications will be accepted between July 30 and September 16, 2024. Requestors are required to submit a complete application online during this open call for proposals. Applications will be evaluated by a committee of representatives from Cytokinetics based on the proposal’s alignment with our corporate giving priorities and selection criteria. More details can be found in the application portal. Funding decisions will be made by late November and recipients are responsible for providing an outcomes report to Cytokinetics to measure impact at the end of the funding period. Please contact [email protected] with additional questions.
The following organizations are excluded from funding through the Cytokinetics Corporate Giving Program:
- Healthcare organizations, treatment facilities and individual healthcare professionals or private practices
- Foundations or charities controlled by healthcare providers or their private practices
- Individually identifiable and named patients or caregivers
- Political or lobbying groups
- Religious organizations
An organization with a written policy that discriminates based on race, religion, gender, gender expression and/or identify, age, national origin, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, military status or any other protected status is ineligible for funding from the Cytokinetics Giving Program.
Donations provide unrestricted funding for general support and/or event-specific sponsorship.
Funding may not be primarily or solely used for:
- Salaries or fringe benefits of the organization’s staff
- Event-specific costs or expenses for consumables (such as food, drink, or entertainment)
No benefit may be given to Cytokinetics in return for support unless such benefit is incidental in nature, such as fair recognition of company name on a list of donors.
- If you do not already have a Username and Password, click “Create your password” to navigate to the registration page.
- Input your registration information, including email address, contact information, and tax ID/charity ID (if applicable).
- Enter your organization’s legal name. Do not use abbreviations or acronyms.
- Once all the information has been completed, click “Submit.”
- If your registration is accepted, you will receive an email with a link from CyberGrants to activate your email. If your registration is not accepted, please contact [email protected] for further questions.
To facilitate the processing of your corporate giving application, Cytokinetics suggests the following:
- Review the Corporate Giving Program and funding guidelines before requesting funding
- Complete your funding request form
- Confirm the funding request form is complete, including all required attachments (Incomplete funding request forms will be rejected)
- Read FAQs for answers to Frequently Asked Questions
Questions on the funding request form require the requestor to provide information about:
- Requesting organization contact information and organization description
- Organization and program objectives
- Proposed impact and outcomes
- Proposed use of funds
- Organizational or program budget
- Cover letter or proposal documentation
- U.S. tax identification documentation
- Payee information
All funding requests must be submitted using the online portal.
- To access the funding request again for updates or to submit a new funding request, simply log in to your account portal and navigate to the Welcome Page tab on your screen.
Corporate Giving Frequently Asked Questions
Applications for the Cytokinetics Corporate Giving Program may be submitted through the online grants portal between July 30 and September 16, 2024. Funding decisions will be made by late November.
No, all corporate giving program proposals and funding requests must be submitted online by the requesting organization. If you have issues or questions about your application, please contact [email protected].
No. Only one funding application per organization is permitted. Funding requests are reviewed once per year during the corporate giving review period. Funding of any one program is not contingent upon previous activity nor does previous activity guarantee future support.
Please contact [email protected] for additional questions.
No. Cytokinetics does not fund activities that have already occurred.
An email update will be sent upon submission of a funding request to confirm Cytokinetics’ receipt of the funding application and after committee review to notify the requestor of either an approval or denial of the request. At any point in the process, the requestor will receive notification if an application is missing required documentation or further information is needed to complete the funding request review.
Any changes to the application details will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. If you need to make such a change, please email the request to [email protected].
Cytokinetics adheres to the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) Code on Interactions with Healthcare Professions, and other industry codes and standards. Cytokinetics also complies with federal, state, and other applicable transparency reporting requirements, such as U.S. Sunshine laws. We respect your privacy; for residents of California and certain other states, please view Cytokinetics’ Privacy Policy at
Cytokinetics receives more funding requests from outstanding organizations than our Grants and Giving Programs can fund. While it is not possible for every organization to receive funding, those that are in alignment with Cytokinetics’ guidelines and mission are given careful consideration.