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scientist testing potential medicines

306 results available

  1. Heart Failure Reviews
    Teerlink, JR
    December 2009

  2. Poster, 2008 Heart Failure Society of America Annual Meeting (HFSA)
    Toronto, Ontario, Canada
    Parker JD, Michaels AD, Kass DA, Wolff AA, Felker GM and Malik FI
    September 2008

  3. Poster, European Society of Cardiology (ESC) Congress 2008
    Cleland JGF, Nifontov EM, Mc Murray JJV, Senior R, Lang CC, Clarke CP, Francis D, Greenberg B, Mayet J, Monaghan M, Neyses L, Tsyrlin VA, Goldman JH, Teerlink JR, Brand G, Lee JH, Saikali KG, Wolff AA, Malik FI
    August, 2008

  4. Poster, 2007 American Society of Cell Biology (ASCB) Conference
    Washington, DC
    Anderson RL, Pokrovskii M, Suekawa K, Rodriguez HM, Elias, KA
    December 2007

  5. Poster, 2007 Heart Failure Society of America Annual Meeting (HFSA)
    Washington, DC
    Malik FI, Saikali KG, Clarke CP, Teerlink JR, Wolff AA
    September 2007